Death Trick (2023) | Narrative Short
Peel Apples Before Eating (2023) | Short

My Life Is A Pathetic Mumblecore Film (2023) | Self-Introduction

By the Ruins(2022) | Documentary

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air(2022) | Experimental Documentary

Monday Morning(2021) | 2D Collage Animation

Twin Peaks Intro(2021) | 2D Animation

Silent Night(2021) | Stop Motion Animation

J of Theseus(2021) | Narrative Film

Red(2020) | Experienmental Short

Love Is All Around(2020) | Mash-up

Death Trick (2023)

Part A

A 3 minute film for course Visual Story. Collaborated with another group in the class.

The undercurrent between two brothers of a mafia family where the eldest wanted to quit family business but the father thought highly of him,  and the youngest was ambitious while the father spoiled him and kept him far from the dangerous business.

The father of the local mafia passed away last week, the whole area as well as the family was In the midst of turmoil. The eldest, who has the expectation from the father, wants to quit the family business to protect his own small family, his childhood sweetheart wife and new born child. While the youngest, growing up with unconditional love from the father, always wanted to take charge of the family business one day. His father wanted to protect him from the danger by keeping him away from the real business. But he was ambitious and naturally good at it. He always wanted to prove himself to his father so that his father could look at him as he looked at his brother.The story begins with the death of the father. Through memories and stories that happen in the funeral, the image of the youngest son and the relationship between the father and sons will be portrayed.

Part B

Peel Apples Before Eating (2023)

A 3-minute film for course Visual Story.

My Life Is A Pathetic Mumblecore Film (2023)

A Self-introduction video.

By the Ruins (2022)

By the Ruins a documentary about the first freelance artists in Beijing. They gathered in a village near the Yuan Ming Yuan ruins. This documentary briefly tells the story of them, about their life, their works and their choices.


In the 80s, some art students who graduated from Beijing's Art Academies voluntarily gave up their assigned jobs and lived sporadically and temporarily in the area around Yuanmingyuan, becoming the first freelance artists in Beijing. In 1950's China, artists had an official profession and were included in a system where they were supported by the government. Artists received a salary, were reimbursed for creative and medical expenses, etc., and waited for the allocation of a residence until they retired. Beginning in the 1980s, a number of artists left their official positions to create more freely. All over the country, there was a group of young artists who sold paintings for a living and wandered freely, in order to pursue their artistic ideals and escape from the shackles of the system. This group of people chose to live in the Village near the yuanmingyuan ruins,  thus forming the "Yuanmingyuan Artists' Village", where three to four hundred artists gathered at its peak.

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air(2022)

This is a hybrid fiction documentary about Chinese absurd COVID policy and lockdowns. Shanghai, one of the biggest cities in China, people are living in uncertainty, suffering from starvation due to the insufficient supplies. The COVID policy is even scarier than the virus itself. All of the scenes seem to come from a drama movie, but they are actually happening in Shanghai right now. 


At the beginning of 2022, China started the very strict policy of COVID lockdown due to the explosion of Omicron. The authority called it Zero Covid Policy. China's zero-COVID policy is an attempt to prevent any community spread of the coronavirus. To achieve this goal the country has enacted some draconian measures, implementing a strategy of using strict, targeted lockdowns and mass testing. Entire neighborhoods have been sealed off across the country.

Though the purpose of the policy was to protect as much as people, it was not as harmless as it seemed. During the strict lockdown, people were stuck in their home, some people did not have enough food, some starved to death, while some seniors that needed to go to hospital for their regular checks were forced to be locked in the room. Students who are locked in the dorm never know when they can go home, adults do not know when they can get back to work, while the lockdown stops their working but the rent and daily expenses are non-stopping. 

Monday Morning(2021)

Monday Morning is a collage animation that portrays a daydream of a young boy. The boy was watching TV, and then fell asleep. In his dream, he traveled to a whimsical planet and discovered unreal things on the planet. In the end, he saw himself…

Twin Peaks Intro(2021)

A 2D animation of David Lynch's TV SeriesTwin Peaks.

Silent Night(2021)

Silent Night is a stop-motion animation about the Christmas truce in WWI. This animation uses a chess set and pieces to retell a warm and touching story in wartime.

J of Theseus(2021)

The engineer created the bioengineered humanoids J. J has human organs that made up with all human tissues, but J still feel like he is not a human for he could not really have human feelings and emotions. Therefore, he started an experiment called "The Theseus Project" to find out the difference between him and a real human, by replacing his oragn with human's one by one. Now, he is about finish his experiment only ofr a perfect heart......


RED is a experienmental short film written and produced whithin 24 hours.

Love Is All Around(2020)

Love Is All Around is a Mash-up video that was selected into 2020 Bilibili Mash-up Video Contest Final Round.