
The engineer created the bioengineered humanoids J. J has human organs that made up with all human tissues, but J still feel like he is not a human for he could not really have human feelings and emotions. Therefore, he started an experiment called "The Theseus Project" to find out the difference between him and a real human, by replacing his oragn with human's one by one. Now, he is about finish his experiment only ofr a perfect heart......


J was the first bioengineered humanoids ever created. The story took place in 90s Shanghai, China. No one knows there is a bioengineered humanoid being created but the engineer, even J himself before he told him.

J proposed the Theseus Project and the engineer acquiesced. He wiould choose his target before replacing their organs. Usually he conducted a short term observation determine whether they were the target had the most qualified organ. For example, he chose a musician hand that can play the most beautiful songs and a designer's eyes who can notice the very nuances in life...... He replaced most of his organs but still could not find the answer. He is still confused about himself and human emotions.

He is about to finish his journey, having only the heart left. The story begin with his latest conversation with the engineer.                    




On Set


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