
Monday Morning is a collage animation that portrays a daydream of a young boy. The boy was watching TV, and then fall asleep. In his dream, he traveled to a whimsical planet and discover unreal things on the planet. In the end, he saw himself…


I have always been interested in collage art, so I decided to make my own collage animation. I watched several animations and suddenly realize collage is such a good way to portray dreams. It would be interesting if you think of dream as the collage art of reality, and what you do when you are conscious is collecting sources for the dream. (I kept a dream journal, you can check my dream journal in this page) Thus, in this project I decided to represent some scenes from my dreams.

When I was making this project I was really fascinated by the old TV show Guest from Future(Гостья из будущего), so I wanted to make a space story. Then, after settle down, I started designing scenes and making animations.


Scenes Design

Collage Animation


Created by Mia Zhang

Pictures from
Internet Archive
The Smashing Pumpkins
Le Voyage dans la lune - Georges Méliès

Videos Cilps:
Les Quatre Cents Coups - François Truffaut
Twin Peaks - David Lynch
ゴジラ(1954) - 本多猪四郎

Monday Morning - Teleman