The Celebration of Hair is an interactive fashion piece discussing the relationship betwen haman and hair. The fashion piece uses interaction and mechanism as medium to evoke the audience to think about what's the meaning of having hair and how does this meaning changes over the revolution in human society.


Almost all mammals have hair. Human hair has degraded from both a quantitive and functional perspective. For animals, hair are covered most part of body. And usually, different kinds of hair has their specific functions. For most of the animals, fur can be serve as protection of the body, for lions, hair showcase their status in the group, while for horses, they can even using hair to communicate information. But for humans, we barely have hairs, and the basic and fundamental function of hairs mostly have vanished. With the species evolution and socialization, we lost our hair, both the essence and its meaning. What could this mean to us?

With the development of technology, it seems that we can retrieve and revive some ancient function and meanings through the contemporary technologies. Using sensors and mechanisms, we try to replicate the communication function of human hair.